Friday, September 18, 2009


I got a report from those up little man, Erik, (I know old habits die hard...he is hardly my little man any more!) has found several tractors he would like to call his own. He looked over the bunches that were ready to cross the bridge last night. Today they are watching them. I went online and found a web site that shows the bridge and the tractors crossing, but it isn't a continual process, one must update the site yourself. So to watch it from here is rather boring.

Today we are waiting for the Farrier, hopefully that will be soon.

Doug and I just got back from taking some scrap metal over to Sherwood. Then we had a medical run, and we went over and let the chickens out at G & G Geese. He is now headed to B.C. to get products to close our pool, an oil filter for his truck, and things for the hot tub.

Oh yeah...Katie is diligently working on her school work! :)

When he gets back we have to go put in One Eye. (she lost and eye to pink-eye a few years ago, yes we are so creative with our names! :) We have to give her a shot of ova-cyst. We have decided to bred her instead getting rid of her at this time. She lost a set a twins earlier this year, and G. Geese thinks we should give it another try. So that will be our afternoon.

I may be having a girls night out tonight with a friend, if so, Doug is going to take Katie out to eat and to a movie.

So now you are updated.

Blessings for a beautiful weekend!!!


  1. Sounds like fun! It's great to keep busy, huh? ;) Hey, is Katie interested in going to the night ag classes @ the career center? I just got some more info on it if she is.

    Take care!

  2. Katie has horse bowl on Monday's that she cannot miss until October 19. She compete's at the Quarter Horse Congress on October 13. If we could get more information and if she could start later, we could consider that possibility.

    Thanks for the info.

