Monday, December 27, 2010

2010 Comes to a Close...

Hi I am writing to express to my one...or maybe two blog readers...that I am planning to update at least once a month on the Myers Farms blog in 2011!! I know I got a bit lax and I apologize.

If you read back...the year has been good to us. Everyone has remained healthy...only a few ER trips by the parents. Siblings have come together for the common good...(butchering!) And we had a safe and bountiful harvest.

We have all stayed active in our church in one way or the other, by being involved with the Christmas program (thanks to all who came out this year), the regular choir, hanging of the greens, and/or the softball league.

Since I last posted...We lost our young lab Zoe (2 1/2). Unfortunately she followed some stray dogs out into the road. Shadow our 10 1/2 year old is still with us. She does have rough days...but still is able to go with me when I ride my horse around the this point she prefers rides on the cart when Dexter my donkey is pulling it. She is a faithful friend!!

We started and ended our harvest in record time. We had minimum down time and the weather stayed nice. Our only problem was storage...we had too little...we are remedying that problem with a new grain bin being put up before next years harvest.

My sister-in-law Brenda had a birthday on October 24...but since I wasn't doing great posting then I apologize for missing that...hope it was a good one!! :)

In late October we went to see our twin nieces in a play at the Tibbits in Coldwater. They were fun ghosts and did great in their roles.

Christmas came and went with a I sent out New Year letters vs Christmas cards...I hope people enjoy them.

So that wraps this up...Happy New Year to you all...and wishing you all the best in 2011!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Update coming soon...

Just wanted everyone to know...I will updating when I get the background changed (which if anyone knows me and my abilities on this blog, means it could take a while), after church, I will post the year in review!! And I promise at least once a month updates in 2011!! I have a bit of baking to do today too. For some reason some people around here would like birthday cakes...

Happy birthday to Erik and Grandma Geese!!! :)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

October - Birthday's abound!

Hi all...October has arrived along with many birthday celebrations. The month started out with my brother celebrating his big 50!! wonder he has so many gray hairs with his sparse collection of hair remaining. I do hope he reads this so I hear the feedback. Happy Birthday Ken!

This week I had 5 days listed with birthday's...a friend I've known for years celebrating, someone celebrating his sweet 16, another newer friend celebrating her birthday the day after her son turns 18. But, most importantly, my husband will be celebrating his birthday on Friday. We have big plans for a scrumptious dinner that afternoon. He is very pleased that bean harvest is going so well. He has never had so many acres harvested at his birthday time. Last year he had hardly started the harvest.

This past Tuesday we attended the annual Calhoun County 4-H award banquet. Katie, as secretary of the council, ended up as MC because the president and vice president of the council were unable to attend. She was super nervous, but did a fine job with her speaking. The evening ended with Katie receiving the Senior Beef and Leadership award. She also received her 10 year 4-H pin and Erik received his 12 year. And, to end the night, she was awarded the "I Dare You" award! So a very good end to her 4-H year.

A lot of prep work for the birthday dinner being done today.

That is all for now...have a blessed day all!~

Monday, September 27, 2010

Fall 2010

So now that it is officially fall, according to the calendar, life is hopping here at Myers Farms. Since I last wrote...we have attended multiple meetings and corn days, changed doors on the house, helped a friend move items to Florida, attended birthday celebrations, had tea with 3 generations of cousins, hung out at a Hospital, pregnancy checked cows and started combining. We are combining just beans at this point with a little over 800 acres harvested at this time.

The kids are busy too. Erik is, as we like to call him, the Combine King! He is the main person driving the combine this year. He has harvested all but maybe 100 acres. That was because he had to work two auctions...and he sold some at one of them!! He is loving his hours working in the field along side his Dad.

Katie is super busy with life as a Jr. She has 6 classes she is working on this year in addition to going 4 days a week to the BACC. Church choir has started up and she is putting time in at the local republican office making calls for the upcoming election. On top of that she is now doing chores at G & G Geese's house to help out and is loving it. She even makes time to hang out with friends. Life is good!

So I'm off for a walk. Today, take the time to look around and see all that He has done in your life. Remember the people too He has put in your life, know they are there for a reason!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

School begins...

Hi all...this is the first official day of school. It is a strange day with only Katie doing work and Erik just working with Doug on the farm. Katie is officially a Jr. this year. She will be attending her co-op classes in Jackson every Wednesday like usual. This year she will also be attending the Branch Area Career Center (BACC) every M,T,Th, & F. A change for sure. I know she is excited, but also a little nervous about this new adventure.

The next week will bring field days, golf outing and business meeting with all the seed companies wanting to push their product for next year.

I have a few more items I'd like to add to my freezer before the growing season is over...this should not be a problem.

Well have a good day blessed!~

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Fair 2010

Hi all...well we have been through the Calhoun County Fair and survived. I can't tell you what a relief it was without having a riding horse this year...truly a blessing. Yes we miss our Chip, but fair was so much nicer not having to deal with all the issues.

Katie showed a miniature horse named Sally and we had our two steers Earl and Frank. Earl ended up 3rd in his market class...and Frank further down the line. He had, as some would put it, a pot belly, so he wasn't as pretty as he could have been.

With Sally Katie won a pleasure driving class then ended up and Reserve Champion over all in pleasure driving. She also won a trail class as well. Later in the week she won a showmanship class in open class. She placed well in nearly everything she entered. Little Miss. Sally was such a sweetie...but by the end of the week I think she was ready to go home. We have to thank Lori so much for allowing us to have our time with Sally this year. Oh...Katie also won the best of class with her notebook for her mini as well.

The kids sold their animals at the auction on Friday. Katie got a nice price...and Erik got a surprise. He got to sell his own animal this year at the fair. He got an awesome price, some good experience, and job offers. So overall a great day. Erik ended the year, as a 4-H kid selling his animal at the fair, auctioning during the auction and he ran the non-livestock auction sale, and as a buyer at the 2010 Fair. Next year will be his final year in 4-H, so that will be a total 13 years in 4-H.

New experiences happen at the fair this year too. Erik and some friends had pick-up trucks and they entered them in pick-up truck hockey (this is done by pushing a large tire through the end of a makeshift rink using cement pylons). Also he was in the demolition derby during half-time of the regular demo derby show. Those boys truly had a blast!!! His truck has now gone on to bigger and better places...the scrap yard! :)

Ok...I'm sure you are all dying to know how the Combine Demo Derby turned out. Well...the Queen Bee won her heat and made it into the finals again. The driver didn't do much after that. We ended up 5th out of 5 in the final heat with some bumps and bruises to match. Erik, having entered his first Derby won his heat too. He went into the final with all the other combines wanting to take him out. He ended up 3rd overall, so a good showing for his first time out.

We are now gearing up for school to start and harvest. Emptying the remainder of corn in bins, trying to get away for a few days, and living life. Oh...the Battle Creek Enquirer did write an article about Erik and his combines...if you go to their website and put in the date, August 20 you can read the article.

Well you are officially updated...have a great remainder of August, and as blessed!~

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Dog Days of Summer

Hi all...sorry I have been so neglectful toward this blog. So...we had the open house, and aside from my my near panic attack in wondering who, if anyone will be went very smooth. We did run out of cake, forks, plates, and the root beer keg was dry before the end of the party. So a run to town for more cake, plates and utensils. Overall the final count was 235 people served! A good time was had by all...and family and friends from all over came to wish Erik great success for his future.

So...since that time...Dexter is home from Topeka, IN. He is now officially cart broke. This was done by Mr. Henry Mast a young Amish boy near there...Dexter was his first project. Overall a good job. While there we got a cart and harness. We also learned about how the Amish in the area raise trophy bucks for organized hunts in different areas.

In the last few weeks we have been to a movie, thrown a baby shower, went to a wedding, played softball every Thursday and made up games the last two Tuesday's, went to a pampered chef party, went to South Haven for blueberries and to meet friends. Also, in the last two weeks we, Doug and I have over 140 hours each standing by with the fire trucks with the oil spill that happened in Marshall. Oh...yeah...picked 2 1/2 bu. peaches, and still are waiting on a few to get ready to put them up. Lastly...I took the day yesterday with friends and just floated in my pool. Wow that is a lot of stuff in a few weeks huh! :)

I have had a request from my brother to put pictures up from the open house on my blog. I know my friend B is a bit busy this week and next...but it will happen...right B? :)

So we are in the home stretch for our fair which is next week. Going from our house are two steers, Katie is also taking a mini whinnie...which is a miniature horse a friend has offered her to show for 4-H. Other non animal items are a demo derby pick-up truck and possibly up to 4 maybe 5 demo derby combines. Fun times. Come on over to the Calhoun County Fair on Thursday evening to see the fun and action of the will see me again in the Queen Bee adorned with the crown.

Well take care all and be blessed!! ~ :)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Big Event...coming soon!

Well here we are three days from the graduation open house. Concrete work, done. Landscaping, I think needs more annuals for color...but at this point, done. Railing, done. Am I still feeling overwhelmed, done! :) There is just shopping to be done and food to be cooked...but it will happen, it always does. But to potentially have nearly 200 people and making sure they get plenty to eat is just frazzling my nerves just a tinge.

Katie left this morning for an event with our youth group. She is doing "Survivor." Yes, she and about 12 other kids and a few adult leaders have taken to the backwoods and roughing it till Saturday morning. Funny thing is...they are roughing it in our woods about 1/2 mile from the house. So, about 9 am the day of the big event, I will be getting back a child who potentially will be cranky, smelly, mosquito bitten and probably pretty whiny. She has already been warned where to deposit her goods, and to shower and vegetate for a while by herself, until she gets herself pulled together. So I guess wish me luck with that one.

A sad brother and sister-in-law Don and Sue will be unable to be here for the open house, because of some jobs he is finishing up. Good news is they will be here the early part of August and we can sit and catch up then.

Ok...enough from me...after being away for so long...I should keep this short so I can keep plugging away. I would post some pictures of the changes...but I think most of those who read my blog will be here. Also, I am not sure how to do it because I haven't been to the picture posting blog class with "B" yet. Maybe we will post party pictures here?!?! :)

Have an awesome day all...and as blessed! :)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Home Again...

Since my last post...we have been to St. Louis, Missouri and back. We took Erik down to Auction school in St. Louis, him settled in, stayed a few days and then headed back home. Katie stayed home with a family friend and survived everything...even tornado warnings. The two girls actually went to 5 open houses on behalf of our family. So they kept themselves VERY busy.

We hit the ground running when we returned. Katie has successfully completed her segment II with drivers education...her hope is to get the road test over with before she turns 16. She had an end of school party with her youth group, visited with an Amish family that just had a new baby, washed and readied a white horse for a show (a member of her 4-H group horse), attended a golf outing, assisted at a open house, and left for Washington DC. So what we may have missed while we were away...we made up for when we returned to ready her for the Washington Leadership Conference. From texts I have been receiving from her...she is really having a good time, but it is hot down there, especially when she has to have on her official wear. For those who don't realize she is down with the FFA. The official wear is a corduroy jacket, nylons, skirt, long sleeve white shirt and tie, so you can see where she is coming from.

For a piece of good news...drum roll please...Erik has returned from Auction School as a graduate. He attended Missouri Auction School, deemed the "Harvard" of auction schools. He is proud as a peacock of his accomplishments, and now is working to get the soil sampling done for this year before the soybeans get to big. Because you know...2nd cutting hay will be upon us before too long. more of yesterday, our flat work, or concrete project is done!! :0) Yeah!! But there is still readying the yard with all that was torn up in the process...but with help with the Mushroom can be done. After all, we still have a month from today.

Take care those who are travelling, be safe...and be blessed!!~

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Hi all...we are changing things around our house a little bit. You know we wouldn't want to go into a plan to have a large open house for a graduate this summer without changing things up a bit, right?!?

Well...we are changing all of our decking and walkways around our house from wood to cement. Of course they were going to start the end of April first of May. They had a delay with one job and the rains came they are still here and will be here at least mid-way through next week. Yeah! (little sarcasm) Actually they (the workers) are a great bunch of people and the end result will be awesome. But, I have so much ahead of me in the way of landscaping when they are finished. Katie is already declaring that there will be absolutely no changes to happen around the house when it comes time for her graduation. I love my left brained child! :) She is already planning now for her open house.

Erik is heading out soon to St. Louis to Auction school, open house invitations are in the mail, house is pulled together. See this mom can pull it all together! :)

Next week Katie takes segment II for her drivers license. Then in a few short weeks, she will be in possession of her official drivers license. That is if she gets that parallel parking down for her test.

Well I gotta run...have a great week all...and be blessed!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Ecc: 3:1 There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven.
Well a new season is upon us. Not just the planting season and the dawn of a new is the season of Graduations. This time one of our own. Erik has officially received his diploma and completed transcript for his high school credits. What a great accomplishment. We are very proud of him. Next he is going to Auctioneering school. Not next month! He will go to St. Louis, Missouri and learn the basics of auctioneering, then apprentice with local auctioneers to perfect his newly learned skill. Pretty fun huh?!?

After my last post you know we were very busy, last week. We made it to all the events and even got a field of hay mowed before the weekend was through. Today has not been the best one for drying so we will see how things come out.

I enjoyed an awesome end of Bible Study Brunch this morning with lots of fellowship and food! :) Later this week, we will attend our local Homeschool follies performance. (we are only going to watch, and Erik will get a gift as a graduate)

Later this weekend and into Memorial day we have open houses to attend and birthday's to celebrate.

We do hope you all have a fantastic Memorial Day weekend. Stay cool on these hot days and enjoy your family.

Oh...and a belated anniversary wish to Gary & Leslie yesterday.

Have a great week all and be blessed!~

Friday, May 14, 2010


Hi, where does the time go between postings? We have been so very busy in so many areas. Planting is on a stand still. With only 38 acres of corn left to put in the field and 3 days left of soybeans we are not too worried, because it is still so early.

Don surprised us all with a quick visit over Mother's Day. Always good to see him...sad that Sue couldn't steal away any time though...but, they are for sure coming sometime this summer for a high school reunion in August, and maybe an open house in July...please, please, please!!! Ok...enough begging for now! :)

Katie has begun her time with the Minnie she will be working with at the fair. Sally is so sweet. Katie has been learning and teaching all at the same time. Showmanship, jumping, and tomorrow, she will learn how to drive...which we heard Miss Sally is quite good at. We thank Miss Lori so much for the opportunity to work with Sweet Sally.

Late last week we had the awesome opportunity to watch a homeschool production of the Titanic. This presentation was as professional as any community theatre I have seen and I've seen quite a lot. Great job to the Hetke Family...your dedication payed off.

Mother's day was a lazy day with G & G Geese, Don, Gary, Leslie, Mackenzie and the twins Rylee and Alexis here for dinner. It was extra special because it was the twins' birthday as well. They stayed quite a while and we got out Dexter and gave him some loving before he went away for a while. It was a great day...we missed those who couldn't be here. Later we visited Doug's parents.

So as for Dexter...he went to the Amish family to get broke to a cart. He was good on the ride down. As soon as we unloaded him one of the little boys said...can I sit on him...I said sure...then one at a time a few of them where on and off of him. I think they like him. I sure hope he gets along ok. Mr. Mikey is a bit lonely...but the steers are keeping him company. We are too!

We all have been busy this week with the norm. Next week we have to hit the ground running with all the events that we have coming up. We will go to Lansing and Erik will get his diploma. Later that day we will go to Jackson and Katie will be part of the Pioneer's Spring Celebration. Her sign language group are signing to the song "Praise you in the Storm" by Casting Crown...should be a good evening.

I will go down and check up on Mr. Dexter next Friday...Saturday Katie has a mini whinnie show and Erik has prom. Sunday, the boys are doing the Richard Petty driving experience at M.I.S. I'd better start taking my vitamins now to prepare for next week. more thing...I want to wish Ken & Brenda a Happy 25th Anniversary, May 18.

Keep your head up, keep smiling and be blessed all...take care!~

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Spring has sprung!

Hi all...sorry I can't believe it has been nearly a month since my last post. Many things have been going on since that time. I will try to fill you in on them, as brief as possible.

Of course the normal meetings, appointments, working at my favorite green house, school, time with horses, birthday's...YIKES :), and planting season has begun. As of today we are down to only 400 acres remaining of planting corn...which is so unusual. Beans are being planted too, but of course we started later with them, so we have less in at this time.

We also have had hospital visits...G'ma. Geese... one at Battle Creek heath systems one Monday and Borgess the following. I guess we are going on the evaluation system. : ) Still not sure what is to come of this. G & G Geese are going to Mayo again soon to hopefully get some clear answers. Please keep them in your prayers as symptoms continue since the last stay.

I went to the most awesome simulcast of Beth Moore. Anyone who has a chance of seeing her in one of these, or doing one her studies, truly will be blessed. I came away from this changed! Awesome woman.

Katie has had ups and downs since I wrote last. We made a really hard decision to alter her summer plans...forever! But since that decision she has been blessed with incredible things. She has gotten a scholarship to attend Washington DC with the FFA Organization. She was chosen because of her participation with their program through the Branch Area Career Center. I believe she will be attending there next year, 4 days a week, just in the afternoons. She will still attend her classes on Wednesday in Jackson. So she will be a very busy girl. Hopefully she can complete her Geometry class this summer to help with her workload. Another thing she is doing, is taking a miniature horse to the fair this year. She is doing it to help a clover bud (someone younger than 9) so they can show in classes as well. This will be an exciting time for her.

Erik is officially signed up for Auctioneer school in St. Louis, Missouri in June. He is super excited, but also a little nervous. I figure he might as well put his love of Auctions to good use. more thing...we are taking Dexter, our miniature donkey to a Amish gentleman in Topeka, IN to be cart broken. I am so super excited to do this. I hope Mikey can be content with the steers while he is gone.

Ok...that is enough for one update. I promise, I will not let so much time go by before I update again.

Take care all...and be blessed!!!~

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Good Day...

Hi all...we have great news.  Myers Farms offically has two who are licensed to purchase chemicals.  Yes...Erik has successfully obtained his private core license, which was a requirement in his ag class he is taking.  To say he was excited yesterday afternoon, was an understatement! 

Busy day ahead...Katie is babysitting a set of twin seven year olds, then going up and riding Mr. Chip.

Have a good day blessed!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Spring Break

So it is officially spring break for most. We do have the week off of Pioneers, so no running to Jackson, which is good. Katie continues to work on schoolwork. Erik is basically done with his classes. He has one which will require him to ride with different Ag company reps and assist in planting test plots and such. He is looking forward to this.

Easter was a fun day with great worship and music. We sang in the choir at both services. It was truly great to be part of it and with the testimonies people had. One very moving message came from a gal who has survived breast cancer years ago and just endured a house fire a few months ago. She was fortunate that extra people were staying with them that night. Even though their were more kids, there were more adults, so all were able to get out alive! She stated...her husband is her hero, and she is grateful everyday for all how they are so blessed by God in their lives. That was awesome.

We have a little running to do this week. I do have a desire to do something...before the start of planting begins...but what to do?

That is all for now friends...have a blessed day!~

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Roadside Clean-up

Guess what I did today?? Yes, I burned the roadside. I love burning old dead grasses and debris and waiting for the new grass push its way up through. The excitement as the fire races along the ground. I actually had to back burn today...cause the wind picked up pretty good, and the man said I had to. We used to say that because of my love of burning was why Doug had to be on the fire department. But now that I'm on the department as well...guess things are different, or should be different. I still like to watch things burn...but it is my job to put things out. Boo!

I have been busy cleaning up this place and Doug is busy cleaning up the new farm.

Katie is involved in a new project at the BACC (Branch Area Career Center). Tonight Erik is sucker spearing.

So now you are up to date with us...take care all...have a good spring break.

Be blessed~

Friday, March 26, 2010


Just a few more things...Erik is in full Auction wonder he is going to be an Auctioneer. He has been in Columbus City, IN the last two days at a huge swap meet/auction. He is in his glory down there. He has an auction tomorrow too nearby.

Yesterday was my nephew Edwardo's birthday. His real name in Ed or Edward, but since we spent one birthday at Don Pablo's Edwardo has stuck. So...Edwardo...HAPPY BIRTHDAY...btw...E.T. says Hi...(inside joke). Love you bunches!!!

Ok really...that is all for now. <3

Hi All...

Well it's been a long time since I updated. Sorry to my faithful followers...all two of you. :)

I have to remember when I last updated. The kids had gone to weigh in their steers and did great on their parental help...which was awesome. We had a really early Easter dinner. There have been testing, chiropractic appointments, physical therapy (which by the way, I have been released from...guess that means everything is ok...only that my upper arm still goes numb at least once a day?!?) , voice lessons, riding, riding and more riding Mr. Chip. Finished up a bible study...Beth Moore's study of John. I have to say...fantastic. It was so interesting to learn more about the disciple who lived such a full life, and wrote so many books of the bible.

Today I am going to give blood. Not the normal give a pint, I do the kind where they take your blood, spin it out and take out the platelets and put it back in your body. It takes most about 2 hours to do it...but because I must be part vampire, I can do it in about one hour and 15 minutes. Fun times!! :)

Tomorrow, Katie's 4-H group is having a pancake breakfast at the Applebees in Marshall. She has sold about 20 tickets so far. Cost is $5 in advance and $6 at the door. Their horse club is quite big, so they plan to net this fundraiser at about $1500, which is really good!

Nothing else to keep running.

Have a fabulous weekend all...and be blessed!

Saturday, March 13, 2010


So today was weigh-in for the steers. Erik's weighed 784 and Katie's 624. We obviously have some work to do to buff these guys up by August. Never fear, we always do a good job getting them ready by then.

I am curious to see what the other calves that were purchased from G & G Geese's weigh. I did hear about one this morning in the 800's. There are two more out there, we will find out on Monday.

Not doing too much today, just laundry...and the ever going battle with those lady beetles!!!

Take care blessed.

Friday, March 12, 2010


Hi all. It is a cloudy day here at Myers Farms. Nevertheless, the lady beetles are alive and well inside of our house. Any of those reading this that don't know what they are...please can go as nutty as I am with them. :)

This week has been going along without too much excitement. The usual meetings, classes, and running that go along with it all. We are home for the much of the day, then tonight we will venture to East Lansing to the Stallion Expo. and attend the Michigan High School Rodeo,. We haven't gone to this in several years, so we are excited to go again.

Tomorrow we have weigh-in for our 4-H steers. It will be interesting to see what the calves weigh. I think I have a good idea what Erik's will be. Katie's steer is puzzling me, he was the last calf born last year, but has a nice frame, so it's throwing me off. We always throw out guesses and see who is closest. Maybe the person furthest from the actually weight this year will be required to make a batch of cookies or something fun like that. :)

I will let you all know what the weigh-in brings. Erik too has plans for tomorrow following weigh-in. There is the first auction in the area being held, actually just down the street from our you know where he will be for the day.

Well you are up to date with us. Maybe I will open a window or two today and encourage the lady beetles to fly, fly away. As long as they don't tell their friends on the outside to come in.

Have a great day blessed!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Sunny Days

What a gorgeous day we have today. The sun is shining the birds are chirping, and we have fired up the grill with a pork roast for dinner. Actually I am cooking it for my mom on our Holland Grill (advertising plug!). I am cooking that and some potato supreme (like a cheesy potato dish). I will take those two items and my family over to G & G Geese's house to eat with them later on. They all are busy processing a harvested bovine to acquire more substance for a later date. :) That was for you Miss B! We have enough so we are not acquiring any further substance at this time.

Erik took Katie up to ride Mr. Chip. Then he is coming back to prep a tractor that he has sold. Katie, while up there, is going to wash Chip's tail. Is is nasty she will have a time getting it cleaned up. Meanwhile, I have to pull through my house and get to the top or find bottom...however you want to put it. It seems when you are away for a while, even when you have all the laundry caught up before you go everything multiplies quickly. I know I just got back from a trip....but now I need a vacation!!

Thursday, I went with a friend slightly north east of Indianapolis to a speaking engagement she had at the Boone County Fairgrounds. I was her chauffeur. We left at 2:30 and got back shortly after midnight. I was able to sleep in the next morning. My friend, however could not. She was back up at 3 am doing her writing column and then hitting the barn to assist with milking chores. This lady does a terrific job moving an audience. She was listed as a humorist. That actually made her laugh. Her speech did have some laughs thrown in, but she makes an incredible point that our Ag industry cannot sit by as the new policies come through and watch them be passed without a fight. That our manure now is too potent, our hog crates too confining, and any drop of herbicide is too toxic. She asks that we, as those part of the Ag industry, speak up and give information and tell your story instead of staying silent. If you want to read some of her postings or find out how you too could have her speak at your event, google her at Melissa Hart, Knolltop Farm Wife. She also writes for other publications that you should be able to find with a search.

Well I should keep moving. Enjoy your day all!!

Be Blessed~

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Home Sweet Home

Well...we are back from another adventure. We just spent 5 days at Walt Disney World. We took in all four theme parks, Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Hollywood Studio's, and Animal Kingdom. We also went to downtown Disney. Well to be was a trip not a vacation. To me a trip is where you are going all the time and feeling like you have only so many hours in a day to see the sights. One must schedule reservations from eating to fast passes to ride a ride if you don't want to wait hours to do so.

A vacation is where you go, sit around on a beach. Your big decision of the day is where we might want to eat dinner that night, but not worrying that it may take some time. Another decision on a true vacation is how far to walk down the beach, or how long to lay on one side before flipping to the other for even sun. To me...that is a vacation!

We did get a day to lay in the sun on Monday. We hung around the beach at the Beach Club resort where we stayed. Katie stayed by the pool and swam. We also walked around the boardwalk a couple of times. Midway into the afternoon we took a ferry back to Hollywood Studio's to ride the Rockin' Roller coaster. We got there, went straight to the ride, and got fast passes. We then stood in line, rode it once then went back through with our fast passes. The last time we went through we rode in the front was a blast. After wandering back through HS we walked the couple of miles back to our hotel. We got back and cleaned up for our Dinner Reservations.

We ate at a "fine dining restaurant" uh (throat clearing) yeah! Why is it you wait 10x longer, even with reservations, everything takes effort, portions are smaller, and the price is higher?
And in the long run ,we all decided it wasn't worth it. Trust me, if we hadn't had the Disney meal plan, and have a bunch of points extra we wouldn't have wasted our time. The fillet was good, but I've had better. The appetizer was odd, and the dessert small. And we all know that is what most people are waiting for...right!!

But as a family we did have fun together. The kids bonded and did lots of things together. We got a ton of walking in...but ate enough to offset that. :) But truly it is good to be home.

We were so very fortunate to have some awesome friends do chores for us while we were gone. Thanks, BG and OBG!!! :) We love you lots!!!

Hope your week goes well and that you stay blessed! !~

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Missed Birthdays

I have to apologize for not posting a few times in the last week or so. After posting yesterday I realized I didn't give a proper note for other birthday's in our family. So for the record. Our niece Amy turned 17 on January 28. Our niece Sara turned 21 on February 2. And lastly Kim, Doug's sister had a birthday on February 8. I will be nice and not put an age, only that she is two years younger than Doug.

Hope you all had a blessed day!!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


We can't say that very much at our place...but today was truly one. That is because Wednesdays are usually the day that the kids go to Jackson to Pioneers to do their Co-op classes. Well they cancelled classes, as did all of the schools in our County as well.

Erik had fun last night with friends who showed up on their sleds (snowmobiles) and they cruised around for a couple of hours. When he got back home, he had to work to get warmed back was cold out!!

The boys are on their way to their annual trek to the National Farm Machinery Show in Louisville today. They said weather wasn't bad, but it wasn't great either. Travel between Ft. Wayne and Indianapolis was knuckle gripping. Lots of black ice...but they made it through. As I complete this they should be about getting there. They will be back tomorrow evening.

Katie and I will keep busy keeping the home fires burning. We went over and tied up the 4-H steers this morning to further prepare in bringing them home. We like them to be halter broke so we can tie them in the horse trailer. I know, laugh if you must, you hardcore livestock people, but we only have a horse trailer, so that is what we use, dividers and all. :) We actually take them to the fair together...two steers and a works!

So the girls will take care of things here, we also have some practices and appointments tonight and tomorrow, so we may eat a meal out as well.

I must wish my brother Don, who lives in Greenville, S.C. a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY! He is 48 today and is my second oldest brother. He was born the same year as Doug and I am significantly younger...enough said about that!!!

I hope you all have a good day and enjoy the weather where you are.

Be blessed~

Friday, February 5, 2010

Busy Week...

Hi all...We have had an extremely busy week. Katie has been practicing nearly everyday at the BACC with her Ag issues team. paid off, because last night they competed and won Gold (1st) at districts and are on their way to regionals in two weeks. We were a bit concerned when she had chills and a fever in the night Tuesday and into Wednesday. But, she had gotten a Tetanus booster so that was her side effects. She recovered and her team did well. I am going to attempt to post a picture of the team...we will see what happens. I have to grab the picture from her Facebook account...hmmm I may need Miss B. to help out!! :)

I am dealing with a pulled muscle in my shoulder. I now sympathize more with our friends who have been dealing with shoulder issues themselves.

The weekend is here...plans are in the works, for sledding, Superbowl parties and hopefully just some down time and relaxing.

Take care all and be blessed!

Ok...forget the picture...Miss B. we need to talk!!!

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Hi all...we have returned from a few days in Chicago...we had a blast. Doug and Erik attended the Top Producer Seminars and Katie and I shopped and had a Spa date and shopped and walked a ton and shopped!!! : ) Truly was a good time. The train ride was super fun as well. We, the girls, came home a day early and the boys followed on Friday, so they attend the remainder of the conference.

Since I posted last...we have ran a bunch, attended numerous meetings, classes, lessons, and a chili cook-off.

Also, this last Monday the 25th we, Doug & I, celebrated our 24th wedding anniversary. I do love that guy ALOT!

Today is my youngest brother Gary's 46th is he getting old...I can say that cause I am two years behind him...actually three years til April. : ) I've already called him as is our tradition with our siblings.

Katie is gone this weekend with our church's Youth Group on a ski trip to Snow Snake Ski Resort. I am glad I am not there because of the name! She will return on Sunday. She then will attend a practice that afternoon for her competition that she is doing with some students at the Branch Area Career Center. That competition will be next Thursday, so they have to get things polished up and ready to go.

Lastly...for anyone who reads this...wondered if you all would keep G'ma Geese in your prayers. She has something going on and the Dr's aren't sure if you would, that would be good.

Thanks and that's all for now...God Bless all and try to stay warm!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


That is what we were dealing with yesterday. About 4 yesterday afternoon Katie and I were in the house and we heard a thud. I was drying a big comforter, so I thought something had dropped off the top, like an empty detergent bottle. After a few minutes I stopped what I was doing because I wanted to start my pizza dough for our evening meal. When I went to the faucet for my water nothing came out. My mind, for some reason, knew exactly what was going on. (We just dealt with the same thing at my parents just months ago...theirs happen in the middle of the night and they woke up to 6" or so in their basement, thankfully it is not a finished basement)

I immediately went downstairs to see water running everywhere. I sent Katie out to get her dad. He came in, flicked the breaker off and the clean up began. It is amazing how much water can come in, in such a short amount of time. The bad part was when it hit the finished area of the basement, soaking the carpeting. As of now...a new water pump has been installed. The old one rusted out. The guy who came says he doesn't see it do that sort of thing very often...just burst from an interior rusting.

We were very fortunate though and had friends come immediately and help with clean-up. The leaders of our small group were the first to arrive. They helped contain the water in the carpeted side and we mopped up and squeegeed what we could. When our friends from the south arrived...they brought one of the biggest wet/dry vacs I have ever seen. Truly it was awesome and did an incredible job. The girls then helped get wood down to the basement that Erik retrieved. Hung up towels around the deck on the back porch and just overall lent a much needed hand. Thank you, thank you to all who helped.

In between this chaos, I got the dough finished and put together the pizza we we ate nearing 7 in the evening. So really not much time in between, but a lot of work took place in the mean time. Doug went and retrieved two electric fans from the fire department. Good to be firefighters and are able to utilize such things. They are high powered fans meant to provide a major draft to blow smoke out of your house after a fire. They are going still in the basement. I may have some discoloration in my carpet, I am still not sure yet...cause things still need to dry.

After just hearing about a family from church who had a devastating house fire. We can thankfully's just a pump, or just carpet and thank God it wasn't more, and that we were here when it happened.

Well I'm off to start washing towels and run the dishwasher.

Be blessed my friends!! : )

Monday, January 18, 2010

Happy Monday

Hi all...Today the kids were up and at it early. Erik is taking care of chores at his grandparents for the time being so he was at it early. Katie went down to the BACC (Branch Area Career Center) to work on some projects with friends for a demonstration they will have coming up soon. Doug was up his normal time. I even was up early. (scary huh!)

Forced to go to bed early will do that to you. The forcing was the fact that at approx 10:40 last night we lost power. Not a flicker and a wonder, just out. So as Erik was out trying to find the last Raccoon he had treed, we called him and told him that he would have to take care of things near the house in the dark. We headed to bed leaving on some candles that he blew out as he made his way through the house. It is fun sometimes sleeping in the pitch black dark. Nothing in a pager charging, no L.E.D. lights on just dark. I loved it. Slept like a baby.

Funny thing is...midway through the morning when Erik realized it was M.L.K. day and that the rest of his buddies don't have school, he was complaining about the injustices of him having to do school work today. I laughed, really I did. I love homeschooling!

We got a call today from a friend about a good deed that Erik did today though and it nearly burst my heart. There is a gentleman who lives in our area that usually doesn't have one kind word to say about my son. On the way home from doing chores this morning though, my son, saw this same man walking down the road and knew he could use a ride. He turned around and gave him a lift to where he needed to go. Now if that doesn't make a Momma proud I don't know what would.

Have an awesome blessed day all!

Thursday, January 14, 2010


I had a great article written to update you all with what we were doing the last week...and it is no longer here. I truly don't know what happened. So...I will update you again on what we did or have been doing.

The boys, since I have written last, have trekked their way to Illinois, to attend a precision planting meeting. Doug said it was one of the best meetings he has been to in a long time. They also went to a "Great Steak Out" and heard a speaker. Their agenda also included a conference and attending the Fort Wayne farm show. Also, Erik spent Sunday afternoon snowmobiling with friends. Erik also was re-elected as a Youth member to the C.C.A.I.S. (fair board).

The girls...well you know we didn't just sit around and wonder what to do...we had our fun too. We had a some running around to do early Thursday. When we were in town we rented a couple of movies and settled in for the night and watched some chick flicks. It was nasty outside. We made sure the animals were fed and happy and enjoyed. The next day we headed out for a late breakfast and Katie went to ride Mr. Chip. We came home and took care of things around the house. Later we were off again to the movies with friends. What a good time watching a great movie. The next day Katie was off again to Echo Valley to go snow tubing and tobogganing. She came home with great stories. I layed pretty low as I was getting and now dealing with a bronchial/sinus thing. Thankfully though, I think I am nearing the end. :)

Today Doug had more appointments downtown and took a Chemical test. He just left for White Pigeon with a load of Beans. Katie has lessons in town this afternoon and Erik is working on school and equipment, not necessarily in that order. Something about a starter?!? ;)

We may go skiing tomorrow, we will see what the day brings. I do hope everyone reading this is doing well and enjoying the sunshine we get on these long winter days.

Take care all and be blessed! more thing...on Tuesday evening I got a text from my BFF in North Adams. Her son was playing BB in Tekonsha and wanted us to come down. I knew with the sinus thing going on I would not be up to a game. We chose instead to met them at the Mickey Dees and have a quick cup of coffee with them. It was great meeting up with this awesome couple. Three of their kids were there. One as a player, one as a spectator, and one as a team manager...(you know the up and coming player type). Just didn't want to forget to tell you about that. :)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Back at it...

Today the kids head out to Jackson for classes. One was really excited, one, not so much. It doesn't help that we are dealing with a bit of a head cold. One is getting over it and one is just getting it.

I also start a new bible study today. A Beth Moore study of John. I can't think of the exact name because we will be getting our books today. Should be exciting. Bad thing is I will be missing some of the Wednesday morning gatherings because of other commitments.

The horses and Dexter got their feet trimmed and shoes re-set yesterday. I'm sure Chip will feel better, he was getting pretty long. I must say Dexter was the best ever at getting a trim. We all kinda hung around cause he is usually naughty. This kinda made the new farrier intimidated when he saw so many people hanging around for just a trim on a miniature donkey. We had a good laugh about it at the end when Dexter was so good.

Yesterday morning Doug & I went to Holland to check at a possible new purchase. He is still deciding whether it will come home or not. On the way home we stopped in Plainwell to see Mr. Eddie. He is the gentleman who trained my horse. Unfortunately he and his wife were not home. are pretty much caught up with us. Have a great day all. Be blessed!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year...2010!!

So many things on the calender already for this year...should be a good one. Today we are undecorating the house. A big job that is moving very slow...or is it me who is moving slow? : ) Just trying to organize as I put away and redo shelves and things. I am leaving up the snowman items though, it looks bare without anything.

Here's hoping the year starts off great for you too.

Blessings from the hill. ~