Thursday, June 17, 2010

Home Again...

Since my last post...we have been to St. Louis, Missouri and back. We took Erik down to Auction school in St. Louis, him settled in, stayed a few days and then headed back home. Katie stayed home with a family friend and survived everything...even tornado warnings. The two girls actually went to 5 open houses on behalf of our family. So they kept themselves VERY busy.

We hit the ground running when we returned. Katie has successfully completed her segment II with drivers education...her hope is to get the road test over with before she turns 16. She had an end of school party with her youth group, visited with an Amish family that just had a new baby, washed and readied a white horse for a show (a member of her 4-H group horse), attended a golf outing, assisted at a open house, and left for Washington DC. So what we may have missed while we were away...we made up for when we returned to ready her for the Washington Leadership Conference. From texts I have been receiving from her...she is really having a good time, but it is hot down there, especially when she has to have on her official wear. For those who don't realize she is down with the FFA. The official wear is a corduroy jacket, nylons, skirt, long sleeve white shirt and tie, so you can see where she is coming from.

For a piece of good news...drum roll please...Erik has returned from Auction School as a graduate. He attended Missouri Auction School, deemed the "Harvard" of auction schools. He is proud as a peacock of his accomplishments, and now is working to get the soil sampling done for this year before the soybeans get to big. Because you know...2nd cutting hay will be upon us before too long. more of yesterday, our flat work, or concrete project is done!! :0) Yeah!! But there is still readying the yard with all that was torn up in the process...but with help with the Mushroom can be done. After all, we still have a month from today.

Take care those who are travelling, be safe...and be blessed!!~

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