Thursday, October 1, 2009

October and the First Frost

Hi all...can you believe it is the first of October already and along with that we woke up to our first frost of this season.

Yesterday Katie and I had dental appointments in B.C. @ K.C.C. then we went down to the Hillsdale County Fair.

We had a great time. We saw a lots of friends, some reletives and people who live very nearby that we don't see nearly enough were there. I also ran into a person who trained my A.Q.H.A. horse Mikey that runs his horses in sulkey races. He won his first race yesterday. He invited me and and others to get in the race winning picture. So I may end up on Mr. Eddie's wall of fame. :) We had to leave just as he was running his next race, so I can't tell you the results of that.

Erik went to Jackson for classes. Katie had the day off of Pioneers.

When we got home from the fair...we got a surprise...Doug was running beans. They started in the field behind our house. It always is good to get started, so the bugs can be worked out of the new combine. Maybe I can get a friend, Miss B., to show me how and I will start posting pictures on my blog so you can see our harvest in action.

Today, I am running to get some groceries, and Katie is driving Miss Daisy aka G. Geese to Coldwater to pick up a few things, they always have a great time together. Katie did drive, from Battle Creek to Hillsdale yesterday and did a great job, I still have most of my fingernails. (just kidding!)

Well, I better get going, its going to be a busy day.

God Bless~


  1. Miss B would be glad to help you figure out how to post pictures. :) Oh, and we'll probably either come and get my pond stuff either tonight or tomorrow. I'll let ya know. Maybe we can stop by your place first. :)

    Have a wonderful day!

  2. Tomorrow would work best. The kids have a 4-H council meeting tonight. I can hear Erik groan about it now. He likes his CCAIS board better then council. But the Mom says he has to be on one to do the other...(mean Mom!) So if possible, please come Friday or we are available Saturday as well.


  3. I think we'll come tomorrow. A few other things came up, so tonight wasn't really going to work out. Have a good evening. ;)

  4. Katie is driving??? WOW!!! We have three kiddos in Driver's Ed right now. Annie, Mercy, and Jacob- let's see if I have any fingernails left by the time they are seasoned drivers!!!!

  5. Katie says she isn't nervous at all when she drives my mom places, she said I make her nervous...hmmm funny how the tables get turned. Oh...BTW...the snake picture was nasty. I came in and looked at it on the laptop when it was dark in the office and a fly landed on me and I jumped up and had to turn on the lights on. I really need to get over my fear. Funny thing is, I used to not be afraid.

  6. I'm rather afraid of snakes too. That one made me jump really high!!! The same with me, I used to play with and have fun with snakes... Sorry if i scared you too much!
