Saturday, October 17, 2009

Back Home...again

Wow, I'm beginning to sound like a broken record. Well, for those of you who prayed...thanks. Everything went smooth. I got in Winona last night about 8:15...caught a shuttle to the campground in Rochester, which took another hour. Chatting with my parents till around 11. Slept around 5 hours and hit the road for Michigan. It was truly nerve racking making our way around and down the hills till we hit the Mississippi. It was mostly in the dark. Not having driven the truck that has a manual transmission with that long of a trailer in quite some time made way for some nervousness, but we arrived safely home around 6pm. Chicago was a bear even though some might say traffic was light for Chicago! :) I did have moments when it was raining that I recalled spinning around backwards with my horse trailer down I-69 last winter. I silently sang my way through those thoughts. I did get a weeks worth of Bible Study done from B.C. to Chicago on the train. And read a great book I borrowed from my friend Em. Thanks all to read my ramblings.

Oh yeah...I must not forget...when I got home I looked up...and saw blinds! My terrific husband hung all my blinds on my windows while I was gone. = )

Thanks again for prayers and blessing for a good Lord's day tomorrow!


  1. Praise God it went so well! Glad to hear you are back safe and sound.


  2. So glad you had a safe ride home!!! I'm glad you enjoyed the book(s). I LOVED the series you lent me...I read them all in one afternoon/evening.
