Thursday, October 22, 2009


We are still running as fast as we can before the rain hits. We are well past the half-way point in our bean harvest with one combine. Doug's quote of the day is..."It takes 3 people to keep one combine going and 8 to keep two." Its a long story...someday when I have more time, I may go into more detail.

Yesterday, the kids had Jax. I had bible study, a hair appointment, and then was truck driver most of the afternoon. The kids stopped again on their way home and got some donuts and cider, which were a nice treat for Doug. We had hamburgers on the grill with all the fixins, green beans, chips, and brownies.

Today we were up super early to get at it again. It was one of those nights we could have run all night, but a person only can burn the candle at both ends for so long. And with the skeleton crew we are currently working wasn't going to happen last night.

Katie has babysitting tonight, and we are supposed to be going to Jax tonight for a graduation meeting for Erik. We will see if we make it. I already let the gal in charge of it know that we may not make it over if it isn't raining.

As I type this G & G Geese are headed to Borgess hospital. I don't know a bunch of details. But prayers for my mom would be appreciated. Thanks!

Tomorrow, we have to hit the ground running again, rain or shine. We have chiropractic appointments, roadside clean-up with the F.L.A.S.H. group, getting carpet layed in the Bonus room along with the normal day to day things life brings.

Thanks for reading this...have a good day all!




  1. Sorry we didn't get to visit with you all today. I hope that you enjoy this pizzas. They'll come in handy for these busy days of yours!!!
    You are so faithful in blogging...keep up the good work!!! (I finally updated ours...)
    Talk to you later,

  2. Praying for your mom, Mrs. Meyers!

  3. Thanks Jenna...she is back home...but its a long story.
