Monday, October 19, 2009

On the road again...

This morning I was up and going again. I was asked by a gal at Church to accompany a young mom with her two year old daughter to U of M for a doctors appointment. Her husband couldn't go this time and it was at a new facility she hadn't gone to before. So I was up again early and on the road for the 8 a.m. appointment. We were back in Marshall shortly after 11. I went and picked up a few groceries.

While I was gone...Erik took Katie to the Dentist, and Doug got started running more beans. The beans this year are not turning like they usually do. So it is taking more time to find ones to run.

I am home now and trying to get motivated to do something. There is a W.O.W. meeting tonight for me and Katie has a get together for Horse again a night we need to be in two places at once. Katie, however, has a ton of homework having missed last week, so maybe we will have to bypass her meeting. We shall see.

I will end with this quote I found from my Bible Study, by Beth Moore, written from Dr. Luke..."live life one surrendered day at a time. Eyes to the East, Hands to the cross. Feet to the path.

Have a great week all ~

One more thing...Bethany...have an especially good week, be safe, and we will see you soon!
Lastly...Melissa...Coffee, Call me!! =)

1 comment:

  1. Have a good week! I'll try to be posting on my blog and keep everyone updated. It's gonna be fun. TTYS!
