So remember how we were doing a remodel, building a bin and a new shop/barn? Well...the projects continue. The bin has been erected, but now we need to wire and connect it to the existing bin configuration.
The shop/ coming along...we decided it would look sweet with some blocks in the front where you would enter the office. Well, everything went up. All in one day in fact. We even got advise and help from the famous brick mason (my dad). How disappointed we were though to see the next day some of the block didn't match correctly...only on one side. That wasn't going to be good, so down came only half the wall. Well, to shorten the story, we found more blocks...we thought we were good to go...layed them up and again, the third time was the charm! :)
The house...Wow...what a project this has been. We are getting all new cupboards. They are sweet, quartersawn oak. We took out the pantry and that has opened up our kitchen tremendously. The wall that separated the kitchen and living room has too been changed. It now features two arched walk through openings with a arched half wall. The cupboards are now in, and granite installed. We are now waiting for electrical and other minor finishing touches and I can start putting things back in the cupboards! Yeah! My Brother Gary has been doing all the work after he works all day at his other job. It has been a little slow going...but I wouldn't trade his craftsmanship for any other!!!
Now for the other updates...we certainly have been on the run...not that we went anywhere on a vacay...just life close to home. We've been to alot of Open Houses this summer so far...graduation and anniversary.
Crops all got in timely and in spite of needed rain look pretty good.
The 4-H steers are fat and happy. It is weird to think this is Erik's last year he is eligible to take an animal to the fair as a 4'Her. He started when he was 7 1/2. They used to let kids take projects the year they turned 8. That year he only baked cookies, he got his first blue ribbon.
We sycronized (sp) the cattle at my dad's and AI'd them all. We are hoping we won't see any showing heat in the next few days which means they all took.
Doug, Katie and myself have been playing softball for the co-ed teams at church. It was sooooo hot last week but it was fun. Katie plays on the "kids" team...those kids are good!
Katie went to SSI (Student Statesman Institute) the end of June. She actually celebrated her 17th birthday there. The first time attending (as she was) you are deemed a member of the House of Representatives. the kids write bills and debate them on the floor of the State Capital. She had a great time and said she would definitely go again!
Be jealous everyone...but I went to a U2 concert with a friend. All I can say is Wow! I think I can hear again...I SAID I THINK I CAN HEAR AGAIN! I truly had a good time with my friend Amy and people watching was the bomb!! :)
Katie left yesterday for Indiana Wesleyan University for an overnight to explore the campus a little better. She drove down by herself and will be back this evening.
Erik is hard at work on the farm and is trying to pull enough trucks together so there is another pick-up derby at the fair. This year we have sad news...the Queen Bee has made her last hurrah. I am not going to been in the Combine Derby this year. Erik has one Combine for Branch County and if it survives, he will bring it to Calhoun.
So I believe you are up to speed with life!
Have a good day all...and be blessed!